Monday, March 30, 2009

Tithing in the New Testament

When I was going to my friend's house one evening to ride her horse, I was listening to a radio program that has people call in and ask questions about the bible. One of the questions that day was about tithing. I can't remember why the caller asked the question or the background, but the host answered the question, saying that tithing was not taught in the New Testament as a new covenant practice. Well when I heard that I almost drove into a ditch. All my life I thought it was something commanded. Well, I looked up "tithing in the New Testament" on the internet and found that Jesus DID teach tithing while the old covenenant was still in effect; Matt 23:23,
Luke 11:42, are two of the more popular verses that are quoted to explain that we are still to tithe, but that was still under the old covenant. Jesus taught this in his ministry because it was in harmony with the law of Moses.

The position of Christ was that he was born under the law to save people who were under the law. He planted seeds of the new law while still acting and speaking within the law of the old covenant, like in Matt 8: 3-4. Hebrews 7: 4-10 talks about the example of Abraham paying tithes, again under the law of Moses, and how the Levites were supposed to recieve the money. After verse ten, one sees an explanation of the priesthood and the law.

Haha ok I am busy right now. To look at this more further please go to this web site;

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