Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Jesus and the Old Testament

I have been doing an interesting bible study on the prophecies about Jesus in the OT. It's amazing how many there are (over 300) and I probably won't find them all. I am not sure there is a book that lists them all. You have to read all the books to find all 300. I am not going to write out all the verses, but just take time to compare these;
Micah 5:2 and Matt 2: 1-6
Isaiah 7:14 and Matt 1:18-25
Isaiah 35:5-6 and Luke 7:18-22
Zechariah 9:9 and Matt 21: 2-7
Zechariah 11:12 and Matt 26:14-16
Isaiah 50:6 and John 19:1-3/Matt 26:67
Psalm 34:20 and John 19:31-36
Psalm 16:9-10 and Acts 2:22-32

All of Psalm 22 talks about the crucifiction and all of Isaiah 53 is about the Person of Jesus Christ.

A really good book to read more about the prophecies is Evidence for Christianity, by Josh McDowell.


Unknown said...

Hello again Lynda,

I can't believe how much you read. You almost inhale books. I love to read too and manage a bit of the bible every day and a bit of something else but haven't time for alot more. I love to hear you talk about all you read and learn.


LyndaP31 said...

LOL! Well, right now I have alot of time. And I do have alot of books on this stuff. That book I mentioned by Josh McDowell everyone should get. I start full time at work on Wednesday, so my reading will slow down alot after that. Hope everything is going well with you!

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